When the lender offers the borrower an insurance contract with a view to guaranteeing, in the event of the occurrence of one of the risks that this contract defines, either the total or partial repayment of the amount of the loan outstanding, or the payment of all or part of the instalments on the said loan, the following provisions must be applied:
1° Attached to the loan contract is a notice listing the risks covered and specifying all the terms and conditions under which the insurance is triggered;
2° Any subsequent change to the definition of the risks covered, the terms and conditions under which the insurance is triggered or the pricing of the contract cannot be enforced against a borrower who has not given his or her acceptance ;
3° Where the insurer has made its guarantee conditional on the approval of the person of the insured and such approval is not given, the loan contract shall be cancelled ipso jure at the request of the borrower without cost or penalty of any kind. This request must be made within one month of notification of the refusal of approval.