The provisions of articles L. 3134-3 and L. 3134-4 do not apply:
1° To work which, in the case of serious necessity or in the public interest, must be carried out immediately ;
2° For a Sunday, to the completion of an inventory prescribed by law;
3° Supervision of the operation’s installations, cleaning and maintenance work necessary for the regular continuation of the operation itself or of another operation, as well as work necessary for the resumption of full activity on working days, if this work cannot be carried out on a working day;
4° Work required to prevent raw materials from being altered or the results of a production run from being compromised, if such work cannot be carried out on a working day;
5° Supervision of the operation, when this continues on Sundays and public holidays in application of 1° to 4°.
For the work mentioned in 3° and 4°, lasting more than three hours or preventing employees from attending religious service, the employer shall grant each employee either thirty-six full hours off every third Sunday, or release him from work from 6 a.m. to at least 6 p.m. every second Sunday.
However, the administrative authority may grant exemptions if employees are not prevented from attending religious services and are granted a twenty-four hour rest period on a weekday instead of Sunday.