The annual payments made by an employee or a person referred to in Article L. 3332-2 to the company savings plans in which he participates may not exceed one quarter of his annual remuneration or his professional income taxed for income tax purposes in respect of the previous year. These payments may not exceed one time the annual remuneration or professional income taxed for the previous year when they are made to the mutual fund mentioned in article L. 3332-16.
For the spouse of the company director mentioned in 3° of the same article and for the employee whose employment contract is suspended, who have not received any remuneration in respect of the year of payment, the payments may not exceed one quarter of the annual amount of the ceiling provided for inarticle L. 241-3 of the Social Security Code. These payments may not exceed one time the annual amount of the ceiling provided for in the same article L. 241-3 when they are made to the mutual fund governed by article L. 3332-16 of this code.
The amount of the rights registered in a time savings account as well as the amount of the sums corresponding to days of rest not taken and which are used to feed a collective retirement savings plan defined in chapter IV are not taken into account for the assessment of the ceiling mentioned in the first paragraph. The same applies to rights used to fund a company savings plan, provided that they are used to acquire shares in the company or in a company affiliated to it within the meaning of articles L. 3344-1 and L. 3344-2, or shares in employee savings funds mentioned in articles L. 214-165 and L. 214-166 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.