If the shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market, the sale price is determined on the basis of stock market prices.
The decision setting the subscription date is taken by the Board of Directors, the Management Board or their delegate.
When the capital increase is concurrent with an initial public offering on a regulated market, the subscription price is determined by reference to the market admission price, provided that the decision of the Board of Directors or the Management Board, or their delegate, is taken no later than ten trading sessions after the date of the initial public offering.
The subscription price may not exceed this market admission price or, in the case of securities already listed on a regulated market, the average of the prices quoted over the twenty trading days preceding the date of the decision setting the opening date of the subscription period. In addition, it may not be more than 30% less than this admission price or average, or 40% less when the lock-up period provided for by the plan in application of articles L. 3332-25 and L. 3332-26 is ten years or more.