Any beneficiary leaving the company receives a summary statement of all sums and securities saved or transferred within the company under the schemes provided for in Titles II and III and under the company retirement savings plans mentioned in article L. 224-9 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, as well as under a supplementary pension scheme mentioned in 2° ofarticle 83 of the French General Tax Code, a defined-benefit pension scheme meeting the characteristics of the schemes mentioned in articles L. 137-11 and L. 137-11-2 of the French Social Security Code or a supplementary pension scheme whose contributions are subject to income tax under article 82 of the French General Tax Code.
This statement distinguishes between available assets, mentioning any information useful to the employee in obtaining liquidation or transfer, and those allocated to a collective retirement savings plan or a company retirement savings plan, specifying the dates on which these assets will be available as well as any information useful for a possible transfer to another plan.
The summary statement is inserted into an employee savings booklet, the implementation procedures and content of which are laid down by a decree of the Conseil d’Etat.
The employee’s registration number in the national register for the identification of natural persons is the reference number for the employee’s savings book. It may appear on individual account statements and the summary statement.
When the employee leaves the company, this summary statement informs the beneficiary that the costs of maintaining the custody account will be paid either by the company or by deduction from the assets.