Contracts drawn up for this purpose and, if a contract relates to more than one of the constituent objects, for each of these objects shall stipulate on pain of nullity:
1° The purpose of the contract, its duration and the conditions under which it may be extended or revised ;
2° The conditions for termination, forfeiture and devolution, where applicable, of the assets at the end of the contract as well as the conditions for compensation of the co-contractor including, where applicable, those relating to assets financed by the developer or operator and not depreciated at the end of the contract. In the case of ski lift agreements, compensation for material assets must be paid prior to termination of the contract;
3° The obligations of each of the parties and, where applicable, the amount of their financial contributions;
4° The penalties or sanctions applicable in the event of default by the co-contractor or poor performance of the contract;
5° In the case of contracts for the development of land, the construction and management of public facilities and the management of public services, the technical, financial and accounting information that must be provided to the municipalities or their groupings or to the joint association; to this end, each year the co-contractor must provide a financial report including a forecast balance sheet of activities and a cash flow plan showing the schedule of income and expenditure.