A coordination body is created between the Lyon metropolitan authority and the municipalities located on its territory, called the “metropolitan conference of mayors”, within which any subjects of metropolitan interest or relating to the harmonisation of the action of these authorities may be discussed.
Prior to their adoption by the metropolitan council, the metropolitan conference of mayors is asked to give its opinion on the following acts:
-the local urban planning and housing plan;
> -the climate-air-energy plan
-the territorial climate-air-energy plan;
local action programme for the housing and accommodation of disadvantaged people;
– local waste prevention programme
-the local programme for the prevention of household and similar waste;
-the metropolitan scheme for artistic education;
-The metropolitan conference of mayors is also asked to issue an opinion, prior to the opinion issued by the metropolitan council, on the draft territorial coherence plan and the draft urban travel plan.
The draft deliberations of the Lyon metropolitan authority’s budget and those relating to financial allocations to the municipalities located within its territory are presented to the metropolitan conference of mayors for information prior to their adoption by the metropolitan authority’s council.
The metropolitan conference of mayors is responsible for drawing up the metropolitan authority’s budget.
The metropolitan conference of mayors may request, by a simple majority of the mayors representing half of the total population of the communes located within the territory of the Lyon metropolitan authority, that any matter of interest to the metropolitan authority be placed on the agenda of the council of the metropolitan authority, including inviting it to deliberate in a specific way. This request is sent to the President of the Metropolitan Council at least fourteen days before the Metropolitan Council meeting.
This body is chaired ex officio by the President of the Metropolitan Council and includes the mayors of the municipalities. It meets at least four times a year, at the initiative of the president of the metropolitan council, or up to two times a year, at the request of one third of the mayors, on a specific agenda.
The opinions of the metropolitan conference are presented to the mayors of the municipalities.
The opinions of the Metropolitan Conference of Mayors are adopted by a simple majority of the mayors representing half of the total population of the communes located within the territory of the Lyon metropolitan authority.
The operating procedures of the Metropolitan Conference of Mayors are set out in the “Conférence métropolitaine des maires”.
The operating procedures of the Metropolitan Conference of Mayors are determined by the internal regulations of the Metropolitan Council.