No person may practise the profession of doctor, dental surgeon or midwife unless he or she is :
1° The holder of a diploma, certificate or other evidence of formal qualifications mentioned in articles L. 4131-1, L. 4141-3 or L. 4151-5 ;
2° A French national, an Andorran citizen or a national of a Member State of the European Union or a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, Morocco or Tunisia, subject to the application, where applicable, of either the rules laid down in this chapter or those arising from international commitments other than those mentioned in this chapter;
3° registered on a register of doctors, a register of dental surgeons or a register of midwives, subject to the provisions of articles L. 4112-6 and L. 4112-7.
Doctors, dental surgeons or midwives who hold a diploma, certificate or other evidence of formal qualifications mentioned in 1° of article L. 4131-1, 1° and 2° of article L. 4141-3 or 1° of article L. 4151-5 are exempt from the nationality requirement set out in 2°.