At its first meeting, the Assembly, chaired by its oldest member, with the two youngest members acting as secretaries, shall elect its Chairman from among its members by secret ballot.
As an exception to the provisions of article L. 4422-7, the Assembly may only deliberate if two thirds of its members are present or represented. If this condition is not met, the meeting is held automatically three days later. The meeting may then take place without a quorum requirement.
The Chairman is elected by secret ballot by an absolute majority of the members of the Assembly. If this election is not obtained after the first two ballots, a third ballot is held and the election takes place by relative majority. In the event of a tie, the election is won on the basis of age.
The President is elected for the duration of the Assembly’s term of office.
In the event of the seat of the President of the Assembly becoming vacant, for whatever reason, the duties of President shall be temporarily performed by one of the members of the Standing Committee chosen in the order of their election and a new election of the President and the other members of the Standing Committee shall be held.