Under the conditions defined by this Code, dispensing pharmacists :
1° Contribute to primary care as defined in article L. 1411-11 ;
2° Participate in cooperation between health professionals;
3° Participate in the public service mission of permanent care;
4° Participate in health monitoring and protection activities organised by the health authorities;
5° May take part in therapeutic education and patient support initiatives as defined in articles L. 1161-1 to L. 1161-5 ;
6° May act as referral pharmacist for an establishment mentioned in 6° of the I of article L. 312-1 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles (social action and family code) which has signed the contract mentioned in IV ter of article L. 313-12 of the same code, which does not have an in-house pharmacy or which is not a member of a health cooperation grouping managing an in-house pharmacy;
7° May be designated as correspondents by the patient as part of a coordinated practice within the systems mentioned in articles L. 1411-11-1, L. 1434-12, L. 6323-1 and L. 6323-3 of this code. To this end, they may, at the doctor’s request or with his agreement, periodically renew chronic treatments and adjust their dosage if necessary;
8° May offer advice and services designed to improve or maintain people’s state of health;
9° May prescribe, under conditions laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, certain vaccines, the list of which and, where applicable, the persons who may benefit from them are determined by an order of the Minister for Health issued after consultation with the Haute Autorité de santé and the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé ;
9° bis May administer, under conditions laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, certain vaccines, the list of which and, where applicable, the persons who may benefit from them, are determined by a decree of the Minister for Health issued after consultation with the Haute Autorité de santé;
10° May, within the framework of protocols as part of coordinated practice within the systems mentioned in the same articles L. 1411-11-1, L. 1434-12, L. 6323-1 and L. 6323-3, supply, for certain pathologies and in compliance with the recommendations of the Haute Autorité de santé, medicines, the list of which is determined by an order issued after consultation with the Haute Autorité de santé.
A Conseil d’Etat decree sets the conditions for application of 7° and 8°.
A decree lays down the conditions for application of 10°, in particular the conditions for prior training of pharmacists and the procedures for informing the attending physician.