The financial holding companies referred to in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of Article L. 517-1, the parent undertakings of finance companies referred to in the sixth and seventh paragraphs of Article L. 517-1 and the mixed financial holding companies referred to in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of Article L. 517-4-1 seek the approval of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution when the latter is responsible for supervising them on a consolidated basis.
Other financial holding companies, parent undertakings of finance companies and mixed financial holding companies seek the approval of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel when they are required to submit to its supervision on a sub-consolidated basis.
When in Book VI of this Code, with the exception of the provisions of Sections 2, 3 and 4 of Chapter III of Title I and of Titles II and IV, the word “person” designates a credit institution, this word also designates a financial holding company, a parent undertaking of a finance company or a mixed financial holding company mentioned in the first and second paragraphs.