Public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation which received, in place of the communes making up the public establishment, the allocations provided for in article L. 234-13 of the code des communes, as it stood prior to the loi n° 93-1436 du 31 décembre 1993 portant réforme de la dotation globale de fonctionnement et modifiant le code des communes et le code général des impôts, continue to receive them. For 1994, the amount of these allocations is equal to the sum received in 1993. From 1995, the amount increases each year by half the rate of change in all resources allocated to the global operating grant.
When an Établissement Public de Coopération Intercommunale referred to in the first sentence of the first paragraph is transformed into another Établissement Public de Coopération Intercommunale, this transformation does not alter the terms of payment of the allocations referred to in the first paragraph, which remain paid directly to the new Établissement Public de Coopération Intercommunale provided that the latter exercises competencies in the field of tourism.