Buildings and movable property forming part of the public domain of the municipalities belonging to the conurbation are assigned ipso jure to the urban community, as soon as it is established, insofar as they are necessary for the exercise of the community’s powers.
The definitive transfer of ownership and of the rights and obligations attached to the transferred assets is effected by amicable agreement.
Failing an amicable agreement, a decree in the Conseil d’Etat, issued after the opinion of a commission whose composition is set by order of the Minister of the Interior and which includes, in particular, mayors and departmental councillors, carries out the definitive transfer of ownership no later than one year after the transfer of competencies to the urban community.
The transfers of property, rights and obligations provided for in the previous paragraphs do not give rise to compensation, duties, taxes, contributions provided for in Article 879 of the General Tax Code or fees.