Metropolises’ compulsory expenditure includes in particular:
1° Office and printing costs for the department of the metropolis and the costs of conserving the archives of the metropolis and the compendium of administrative acts of the metropolis ;
2° Functional allowances, contributions to the general social security scheme, contributions to pension schemes, contributions to the fund as well as the training costs of metropolitan elected representatives;
3° The remuneration of metropolitan staff, the related contributions and social security contributions;
4° Under the conditions provided for in article 88-1 of Law no. 84-53 of 26 January 1984 on statutory provisions relating to the local civil service, expenditure relating to the services mentioned in article 9 of law no. 83-634 of 13 July 1983 on the rights and obligations of civil servants;
5° The contribution to the budget of the Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale;
6° Where applicable, the salaries and other expenses of the staff of the metropolitan police ;
7° Expenditure on personnel and equipment relating to the fire and rescue service, if the metropolis exercises this competence;
8° Pensions payable by the metropolis when they have been duly liquidated and approved;
9° Expenditure for which it is responsible in terms of national education;
10° Expenditure on communal disinfection services and metropolitan hygiene and health services under the conditions provided for by l’article L. 1422-1 of the public health code if the metropolitan authority exercises this competence;
11° The fencing of cemeteries, their maintenance and their relocation in the cases determined by Chapter III of Title II of Book II of Part 2 if the metropolitan authority exercises this competence;
12° Expenditure relating to the collective sewage system mentioned in II of l’article L. 2224-8 if the metropolis exercises this competence;
13° Expenditure relating to the sanitation police referred to in article L. 2213-30 if the metropolitan authority exercises this competence;
14° Expenditure on the maintenance of metropolitan roads;
15° Expenditure on the maintenance and preservation in good condition of works, mentioned in Article L. 151-40 of the rural and maritime fishing code for which metropolitan France is responsible;
16° Levies and contributions established by the laws on metropolitan property and revenue;
17° Expenses incurred by the application of article L. 2122-34 ;
18° (Repealed);
19° Expenses arising from the application of l’article L. 622-9 of the Heritage Code;
20° Depreciation charges on fixed assets in accordance with the procedures determined by decree;
21° Depreciation charges on equipment subsidies paid in accordance with the procedures determined by decree ;
22° Allocations to provisions, in particular for risks related to the subscription of financial products, for which the procedures for constitution, adjustment and use are determined by decree;
23° Interest on debt and expenditure on repayment of debt in capital;
24° Expenditure incurred by the application of the provisions of the articles 2 and 3 of law no. 2000-614 of 5 July 2000 relating to the reception and housing of travellers if the metropolis exercises competence ;
25° The discharge of debts due;
26° The contribution provided for in article 6 quater of the aforementioned law no. 83-634 of 13 July 1983;
27° The withholding tax provided for in 1° of 2 of article 204 A of the general tax code.