The contractual agents mentioned inarticles L. 5323-2 and L. 5323-3 :
1° Are bound by professional secrecy and discretion under the same conditions as those defined in Article 26 of Title I of the General Statute for Civil Servants in the State and Local Authorities;
2° May not, either themselves or through an intermediary, have any interest in the establishments or companies controlled by or in relation to the agency that could compromise their independence.
The aforementioned employees are subject to articles 25 to 25 octies of law no. 83-634 of 13 July 1983 relating to the rights and obligations of civil servants.
Persons who occasionally collaborate in the work of the Agency and other persons who provide assistance to the boards, commissions, committees and working groups that sit with it, with the exception of the members of these boards, commissions, committees and working groups, may not, under the penalties provided for inarticle 432-12 of the Penal Code, deal with a matter in which they would have a direct or indirect interest and are subject to the obligations set out in 1°.
The persons mentioned in the fifth and sixth paragraphs are subject to the prohibition mentioned in the first paragraph ofarticle L. 4113-6. It is prohibited for the companies mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 4113-6 to offer or provide these persons with the advantages mentioned in this paragraph.
They are also subject to the provisions of the first paragraph ofarticle L. 4113-13. In the event of failure to comply with these provisions, the administrative authority may terminate their duties.
Like the Agency’s employees, the members of the boards and commissions and the persons who occasionally provide assistance to the Agency or to these bodies are bound by professional secrecy with regard to any information that may have come to their knowledge by reason of their duties, under the conditions and subject to the penalties provided for in articles 226-13 and 226-14 of the French Penal Code.