A personalised employment access project is drawn up and updated jointly by the jobseeker and Pôle emploi or, where provided for in an agreement with Pôle emploi, an organisation participating in the public employment service. The personalised employment access project and any updates are then sent to Pôle emploi for information.
Taking into account the jobseeker’s training, qualifications, knowledge and skills acquired through professional experience, personal and family situation and the local labour market situation, this project specifies the nature and characteristics of the job or jobs sought, the preferred geographical area and the expected salary level. It includes, where applicable, the professional retraining project mentioned in 2° of II of article L. 5422-1 or the commitments provided for under the youth commitment contract mentioned in article L. 5131-6.
The personalised project for access to employment sets out the actions that Pôle emploi undertakes to implement as part of the public employment service, particularly in terms of personalised support and, where applicable, training and mobility assistance.
The notification of the personalised project for access to employment sent to the jobseeker specifies his or her rights regarding the acceptance or refusal of reasonable offers of employment made to him or her and, in particular, the channels and deadlines for appeal in the event of a sanction by Pôle emploi.