The following constitutes a breach subject to financial penalties:
1° Selling the medicinal products and products mentioned in article L. 5121-8 at a price higher than that resulting from price regulations;
2° Selling to the public medicinal products, products or objects mentioned in article L. 4211-1 through commission houses, purchasing groups and establishments owned or managed by persons who do not hold one of the diplomas mentioned in article L. 4221-1;
3° Dispensing medicinal products in a pharmacy without wearing the badge corresponding to his capacity as a pharmacist or as a person legally authorised to assist him, contrary to the provisions of article L. 5125-29;
4° Soliciting orders from the public;
5° Receiving orders for medicinal products and other products or objects mentioned in article L. 4211-1 through the usual intermediary of brokers;
6° Distributing at home medicines and other products or objects mentioned in article L. 4211-1, for which the order has reached them through the usual intermediary of brokers;
7° For any person other than a pharmacist or his representative, delivering an order outside the dispensary in a package that does not comply with the provisions of article L. 5125-25;
8° Dispensing blood-derived medicinal products without recording the data required to monitor them in application of article L. 5121-20, 14°;
9° For one of the pharmacists mentioned in article L. 5125-33, disregarding the rules applicable to electronic commerce in medicinal products set out in Chapter Va of Title II of Book I of Part Five of this Code and the rules of good dispensing practice set out in article L. 5121-5.