Healthcare establishments, whether public or private, analyse their activity.
With due respect for medical confidentiality and patients’ rights, they implement information systems that take account of pathologies and treatment methods in order to improve knowledge and evaluation of activity and costs and to encourage optimisation of the care offered.
Practitioners working in public and private health establishments transmit the nominative medical data required to analyse and invoice their activity to the doctor in charge of medical information for the establishment under conditions determined by regulation after consultation with the Conseil national de l’ordre des médecins.
Practitioners transmit the data mentioned in the third paragraph within a timeframe compatible with that imposed on the establishment.
Under the authority of the heads of department, practitioners are required, as part of the organisation of the establishment, to transmit all data concerning the actual availability of accommodation capacity and in particular beds. At the request of the director, this reporting may be carried out in real time.
The practitioner responsible for medical information is a doctor appointed by the director of a public health establishment or the governing body of a private health establishment, if there is one, after consulting the medical committee or medical conference. The conditions under which this appointment is made and the ways in which the medical information function is organised, in particular the conditions under which staff placed under the authority of the practitioner in charge or the statutory auditors involved in the legal task of certifying the accounts mentioned in article L. 6145-16 may contribute to data processing, are set by decree.
When practitioners on the staff of public health establishments do not meet their obligations under the third and fourth paragraphs, their remuneration is subject to the deduction provided for in article 4 of the Amending Finance Act for 1961 (no. 61-825 of 29 July 1961).
The conditions under which the provisions of this article apply to army hospitals are set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.