In the case provided for in 3° of article L. 6133-1, medical professionals from health establishments, armed forces hospitals and other elements of the armed forces health service, as well as health centres which are members of the grouping, and natural or legal persons practising as self-employed doctors who are members of the grouping, may provide medical services for the benefit of patients cared for by one or other of the health establishments and, where applicable, armed forces hospitals, which are members of the grouping, and participate in the permanent provision of care.
Natural or legal persons exercising a medical profession on a self-employed basis, who provide medical services for the benefit of a patient being cared for by a public health establishment that is a member of the grouping, are remunerated by this establishment on the basis of fees corresponding to the rates provided for in 1° of I of article L. 162-14-1 of the Social Security Code. When these persons are involved in permanent care, they may be paid on a flat-rate basis under conditions defined by regulation.
Expenses relating to care provided to patients covered by public health establishments and by the health establishments mentioned in b and c of article L. 162-22-6 and in article L. 162-22-16 of the Social Security Code are borne by the health establishment concerned.
Medical procedures performed by medical professionals employed by public health establishments or by health establishments mentioned in b and c of article L. 162-22-6 and in article L. 162-22-16 of the same code, for the benefit of patients cared for by private health establishments mentioned in d and e of article L. 162-22-6 of the same code, are invoiced by the employing health establishment to the health establishment to which the patient belongs. The latter is responsible for recovering the corresponding sums from the patient or the health insurance fund.
Liberal medical professionals exercising an activity within the framework of a health cooperation grouping continue to come under the professions mentioned in article L. 640-1 of the same code.