I. – The accreditation of a medical biology laboratory is granted, at its request, by the national accreditation body provided for in I of Article 137 of Law No. 2008-776 of 4 August 2008 on the modernisation of the economy, when it meets the criteria defined by the harmonised standards in force applicable to medical biology laboratories, the references of which are set by an order of the ministers responsible for health and industry, issued after consultation with the Haute Autorité de santé and taking account, where appropriate, of the specific characteristics of the armed forces health service.
II. – Before a new medical biology laboratory is opened, the national accreditation body will, at its request, issue it with a provisional certificate stating that it meets the accreditation criteria that may be verified before it is opened. After the laboratory has opened, the national accreditation body will take an accreditation decision, within a time limit set by regulation, relating to all the activities that the laboratory carries out in accordance with the criteria mentioned in I.
III. – The national accreditation body shall suspend or withdraw accreditation of the laboratory, for some or all of its activities, if it no longer meets the criteria referred to in I.