All employees can use the rights in their personal training account to help finance a training course leading to a qualification, designed to enable them to change jobs or professions as part of a career transition project. The employee will be given an assessment prior to taking part in the training course, in order to identify his professional experience and adapt the duration of the proposed training course. They benefit from specific leave when they follow this training course in whole or in part during their working hours.
For employees holding an employment contract with a temporary employment agency and for intermittent employees in the entertainment industry, a decree issued by the Conseil d’Etat will determine the conditions for opening and paying for professional transition projects.
The professional transition project of an employee affected by the professional risk factors mentioned in 1° of the I of article L. 4161-1 may be financed by the allocation paid by France Compétences to the regional inter-professional joint commissions in application of 3° of the IV of article L. 221-1-5 of the Social Security Code, with a view to enabling the employee to access a job not exposed to the occupational risk factors mentioned in Article L. 4161-1 of this Code, when the employee’s professional transition project is co-financed by his employer, under conditions set by decree.