An inter-professional joint committee is approved in each region by the administrative authority to provide financial support for the professional transition project referred to in article L. 6323-17-1. It has legal personality. This commission also certifies the real and serious nature of the project mentioned in 2° of II of article L. 5422-1. It monitors the implementation of professional development advice throughout the region. Approval for this commission is granted on the basis of the criteria mentioned in 1°, 3° and 5° of II of article L. 6332-1-1 and their ability to carry out their tasks, taking into account their resources.
This commission may, subject to the project being genuine and serious, finance the expenses relating to the validation of the employee’s acquired experience, under conditions defined by regulation.
This commission is made up of representatives of employee trade unions and professional employers’ organisations that are representative at national and inter-professional level.
The management costs corresponding to the tasks of this commission are set by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training, up to a ceiling determined as a percentage of the resources received by the commission, in application of 5° of article L. 6123-5.
The commissions are subject to economic and financial control by the State and to the obligations mentioned in 4° of II of article L. 6332-1-1.
In the event of repeated malfunction or failure of the commission, an administrator is appointed by the Minister responsible for vocational training. The administrator takes all decisions on behalf of the commission in order to re-establish its normal operation.
A decree shall determine the conditions of application of this article.