The certified accounts of the bodies mentioned in 4° of Article L. 71-111-14 are forwarded to the local authority.
They are communicated by the local authority to the elected members of the Assembly of French Guyana who so request, under the conditions provided for in l’article L. 4132-17, as well as to any interested person, under the conditions provided for in Article L. 4132-16.
Transmitted by the local authority to the State representative and the local authority’s accounting officer in support of the administrative account are the certified accounts of the bodies that do not have a public accounting officer and for which the local authority:
1° Holds at least 33% of the capital; or
2° Has guaranteed a loan; or
3° Has paid a grant of more than €75,000 or representing more than 50% of the income shown in the organisation’s profit and loss account and exceeding the threshold provided for in the fourth paragraph of article 10 of law no. 2000-321 of 12 April 2000.