The representativeness of the organisations representing the workers defined in article L. 7341-1 using the platforms mentioned in article L. 7342-1 for their activity is determined on the basis of the following cumulative criteria, assessed in the context of the sector in question:
1° Respect for republican values;
2° Independence;
3° Financial transparency. This criterion is met, in particular, when the trade union or association fulfils the obligations defined in articles L. 2135-1 to L. 2135-6 ;
4° A minimum of one year’s seniority in the professional field of the workers mentioned in the first paragraph and at national level. This seniority is assessed from the date of legal filing of the articles of association conferring on the organisation concerned the right to represent these workers;
5° Audience, assessed with regard to the votes cast in the ballot provided for in article L. 7343-5. The organisation must have received at least 8% of the votes cast;
6° Influence, assessed with regard to the organisation’s activity and experience in representing the workers mentioned in the first paragraph;
7° Number of members and membership fees.