In French Polynesia and New Caledonia, the credit institutions mentioned in Title I of Book V of the Monetary and Financial Code, credit institutions and finance companies, payment institutions, electronic money institutions and the bodies mentioned in Article 5 L. 511-6 of the same code declare to the Banque de France payment incidents relating to loans granted to natural persons for non-business purposes. These declarations are entered, as soon as they are received, in the national file of repayment incidents for loans to individuals provided for in article L. 751-1. They are made available to all companies with access to the file.
The costs associated with these declarations may not be billed to the individuals concerned. The Banque de France alone is authorised to centralise these payment incidents. The information relating to these incidents is deleted immediately upon receipt of the declaration of full payment of the sums due made by the company at the origin of the entry in the file. In any event, it may not be kept in the file for more than five years from the date of registration by the Banque de France of the incident that led to the declaration.