In order to carry out his duties, the Government Commissioner shall have access to any document or information required for the performance of his duties upon simple request and shall have the right to visit the premises of the Agence Nationale du Sport.
The Government Commissioner shall attend meetings of the governing bodies and of any bodies or commissions set up within them in an advisory capacity. He shall receive, under the same conditions as their members, the notices of meetings, agendas, draft resolutions and all other documents that must be sent before each meeting of the deliberative bodies.
The minutes of the meetings shall be sent to him as soon as they have been drawn up and at the latest within thirty days of the meetings.
The Government Commissioner shall have the right to object to all decisions of the Agency that affect its proper operation. He may exercise this right within a clear period of fifteen days from the date of receipt of the decision or the minutes of the deliberation, during which time these decisions shall not be enforceable unless he indicates otherwise. Where it objects, execution of the decision is deferred until the competent body of the Grouping has taken a new decision. The request for new deliberation and the suspension may relate to all or part of the text.
The body which took the decision shall give its decision within a clear period of fifteen days from the date of exercise of the right to object or, where the decision is taken by a collegiate body, at its next meeting. Failing this, the decision lapses.
A decision taken after the right to object has been exercised may be objected to again by the Government Commissioner.
The Government Commissioner shall inform the competent body, the Director General of the Agency and the authority responsible for economic and financial control of the reasons for exercising the right to object.