The Board of Directors of the centres is made up of twenty members, with the exception of centres whose importance or specific nature, particularly with regard to the number of sites or their field of activity, justifies them having twenty-five members.
An order by the Minister for Sport sets the number of members of the centres’ Boards of Directors.
The Board of Directors comprises, depending on whether there are twenty or twenty-five members:
1° Six or seven representatives of the local authorities:
a) The president of the regional council of the region in which the centre’s head office is located or his representative ;
b) The chairman of the departmental council of the department in which the centre’s head office is located, or his representative;
c) The president of the public inter-communal cooperation body with responsibility for sport or, failing that, the mayor of the municipality in which the centre’s head office is located, or their representatives;
d) Three or four regional councillors appointed by the deliberative body of the region or, if the latter so decides, one or two regional councillors appointed under the same conditions and one or two elected representatives of one or two local authorities other than those in which the centre’s head office is located and appointed by the same body;
2° Three or four representatives of the sporting movement, youth and popular education associations or partner organisations of the centre:
a) A sports federation president appointed by the president of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee ;
b) The president of the regional Olympic and sports committee whose area of jurisdiction includes the centre’s head office, or his or her representative;
c) One or two representatives of youth and popular education associations or partner organisations of the centre;
3° Two or three qualified persons appointed by the President of the Regional Council, including a company director or company executive;
4° Five or six representatives of staff, sportspeople and trainees elected within the centre:
a) One representative of the teaching staff ;
b) One or two representatives of the administrative, medical and paramedical staff;
c) A representative of the manual, technical and service staff;
d) A representative of the sportspeople hosted at the centre;
e) A representative of trainees;
5° Four or five representatives of the State:
a) The Prefect of the region in which the centre is based, or his representative ;
b) The rector of the academic region in which the centre is located or his representative;
c) Two or three other State employees carrying out the duties defined in article L. 131-12, including at least one sports technical advisor assigned to the rectorate of the academic region covering the area in which the centre is located;
The members mentioned in d of 1° are appointed from among their number by the deliberative assembly of the local authority to which they belong. A new appointment is made following each renewal of this deliberative assembly.
The members mentioned in d of 1°, in a and c of 2°, in 3° and in c of 5° are appointed by order of the Minister for Sport.
The members mentioned in 3° may not hold a regional councillor’s mandate.
For each of the full members, with the exception of the members mentioned in 1°, b of 2°, 3° and a and b of 5°, an alternate is appointed under the same conditions, subject to the provisions of the following paragraph.
The alternate for the sports federation president is either a sports federation president or a member of a sports federation governing body.
The members mentioned in d of 1° and 3° who are unable to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors may give their proxy to another member of the Board. No person may hold more than two proxies.