The notice is sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the claimant, to the Office and to the professional, the establishment, the centre, the health organisation, the producer, the operator or the distributor of health products or the promoter of biomedical research whose liability has been called into question by the claimant and to his insurer. When the notice indicates that several persons are liable for the damage, it is sent to each of the persons in question and to their respective insurers. The notice is also sent to the medical services of the social security organisations to which the victim is or was affiliated at the time of the injury he or she suffered, as well as to those of the other third-party payers of the benefits paid in respect of this injury.
Where appropriate, the opinion states that the person considered by the Commission to be liable for the damage has not communicated the name of his or her insurer or that he or she has indicated that he or she is not insured.
When the Commission considers that one of the persons mentioned in the first paragraph of Article L. 1142-14 or a biomedical research sponsor is liable, the notice sent to the claimant specifies that he may refer the matter to the Office if the insurer of the person considered liable has not sent him an offer of compensation within the four-month period provided for in Article L. 1142-17.
In addition to its opinion and the expert report, the Commission sends the insurer or the Office, as the case may be, all the documents provided by the claimant to enable them to make an offer. Medical information is transmitted in compliance with medical confidentiality.