Articles R. 112-11-1 to R. 112-11-4 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration are, unless otherwise provided for in this article, applicable to exchanges between the single body, on the one hand, and the bodies receiving declarations and the authorities competent to rule on authorisation applications, on the other hand.
The single body sends the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies the information and documents required for registration in the register of companies and their establishments. As soon as it is informed of this registration, it sends the authorities responsible for validating the data in the National Business Register the information and documents in the single file that concern them. On receipt of the results of the validation operations, the single body forwards them to the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, for the purpose of making any necessary changes to the information entered. On receipt of the information entered by the Institute, the single body will forward to the bodies to which the declarations are addressed and, where applicable, to the authorities authorised to issue authorisations, the information and documents in the single file that concern them, as validated by the aforementioned authorities and supplemented by the entries made in the register of companies and their establishments.
The acknowledgement of receipt issued to the single body will be sent to the Institute.
The acknowledgement of receipt issued to the single body by each of the above-mentioned bodies and authorities will state that the application is complete and will indicate the expected timeframe for processing.
These bodies and authorities will inform the single body that the application has been received.
These bodies and authorities will inform the single body of their decisions to accept or reject the application, or to request additional information or documents, and of any time limits that may have been exceeded.
In the case of an application for a permit, the single body will inform the applicant of its decision.
In the event of a request for additional information or documents, they will inform the single body of the list of additional items that the registrant must send through the body.
In the event of a rejection decision, they inform the single body of the reasons for the decision and the deadlines and channels for appeal.
Where the declaration or request for authorisation is accompanied by the payment of fees, the above-mentioned bodies and authorities notify the service that their services have been rendered and that the fees may be paid.
The transmissions referred to in the above paragraphs are sent to the single body.
The transmissions mentioned in the previous paragraphs are carried out:
1° Free of charge, without delay and by electronic means;
2° With regard to the information transmitted, in accordance with Title II of Book III of the Code on relations between the public and the administration and Order no. 2005-1516 of 8 December 2005 on electronic exchanges between users and the administrative authorities and between the administrative authorities;
> In a format and, if necessary, in accordance with the provisions of the Order no. 2005-1516 of 8 December 2005 on electronic exchanges between users and the administrative authorities and between the administrative authorities
3° In accordance with a format and, in the case of documents only, an indexing system that are set by order of the ministers responsible for the economy, justice, social affairs and agriculture.