The doctor in charge of the service, department or care structure of the health establishment in which the removal is envisaged, where applicable in the context of a cross-donation, refers the matter to the committee of experts mentioned in article R. 1231-5. It shall inform the director of the establishment of this referral.
The information given to the donor by the committee of experts or, in the event of a life-threatening emergency, by the doctor who recommended the transplant or by any other doctor of the donor’s choice, covers the risks incurred by the donor, the foreseeable physical and psychological consequences of the removal, the possible repercussions of the removal of the organ on the donor’s personal, family and professional life and, where applicable, the arrangements for cross-donation, in particular the possibility of using an organ removed from a deceased person in place of one of the living donors, in order to increase the possibilities of matching. It also covers the results that can be expected from the transplant for the recipient. The donor is also informed of the need to take and keep biological samples for biovigilance purposes and of their possible use for scientific purposes in compliance with the provisions of article L. 1211-2.
The committee of experts interviews the donor and ensures that the latter has assessed the risks and consequences of the removal in the light of the information provided.