The Chief Executive Officer has the following responsibilities:
1° He prepares the deliberations of the Board of Directors and ensures that they are carried out or has them carried out;
3° He is the authorising officer for the institution’s revenue and expenditure. He may designate secondary authorising officers;
4° He manages the establishment’s staff. In this capacity, it has authority over all staff, defines their duties, appoints to all positions for which no other authority has been given the power of appointment and recruits contract staff;
It decides on the investments necessary for the establishment’s development.
5° It decides on the investments necessary for the performance of the duties set out in IV of Article L. 1231-2;
> It signs the contracts, agreements and other documents necessary for the performance of the duties set out in IV of Article L. 1231-2.
6° It signs contracts, agreements and procurement, disposal, acquisition or leasing deeds;
7° He represents the agency in legal proceedings and in all civil acts. He concludes and signs transactions under the conditions laid down by the Board of Directors;
8° He is responsible for the execution of the agreement mentioned in III of Article 2 of Law no. 2019-753 of 22 July 2019 creating a National Agency for Territorial Cohesion;
At the end of each calendar year, it sends a report on the implementation of the agreements referred to in Article L. 1233-3 to the ministers responsible for overseeing the establishment, after it has been examined by the Board of Directors.
He may delegate his signature to take on his behalf acts relating to his responsibilities listed above, including those delegated to him by the Board of Directors.