The subsequent period of cover triggered by the claim referred to in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of article L. 124-5 may not be less than ten years where the insured natural or legal person :
I.- Exercises one of the following professions:
1° Asset manager ;
2° Court-appointed administrator and court-appointed representative for the recovery and liquidation of companies;
3° Lawyer registered with a French bar;
4° Avocat au Conseil d’Etat et à la Cour de cassation ;
5° Avoué près les cours d’appel ;
6° Statutory auditor;
7° judicial auctioneer ;
8° Constructor of a work mentioned in articles L. 231-1 du code de la construction et de l’habitation and 1646-1,1792-1,1831-1 du code civil, as well as its subcontractors;
9° Insurance broker;
10° Surveyor;
11° Bailiff;
12° Notary;
13° Syndic of co-ownership;
II – Engages in one of the following activities:
1° Practice of law on an ancillary basis by a person entitled to the authorisation provided for in article 54 of the aforementioned Act of 31 December 1971;
2° Chartered accountancy ;
3° Legal expertise;
4° Voluntary sales of furniture by public auction.