In the event of infringement of legislative and regulatory provisions or failure to comply with the requirements mentioned in the second paragraph of Article R. 1243-62, the authorisation may be suspended or withdrawn by the Minister responsible for research. When the organisation is a health establishment, the decision to suspend or withdraw authorisation is taken jointly by the Minister for Research and the Director General of the Regional Health Agency.
Before any suspension or withdrawal decision is taken, the organisation is given formal notice by the Minister for Research to put an end to the breaches observed within a set period or to submit its observations. The managers of the organisation and the person responsible for the activity may be heard at their request. If the measures taken are not such as to put an end to the breaches observed or if the measures prescribed are not implemented within the time limit set, the Minister responsible for research and, where appropriate, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, will notify the organisation of the suspension or prohibition decision.
The suspension decision specifies the requirements with which the organisation must comply in order to recover the benefit of the authorisation. The period of suspension may not exceed one year.
The prohibition decision may include requirements relating to the preservation of tissues, cells and their derivatives; it may organise their transfer to another organisation or, where appropriate, order their destruction.