I.-The Committee will issue a scientific, technical and ethical opinion within one month of the matter being referred to it.
Committee members will assess the educational and scientific value of the programme or project, the appropriateness of using the donated body for medical teaching and research purposes and, where applicable, the appropriateness of the request for temporary removal of the body or its segmentation.
It will give its opinion on the ethical issues raised by the training or research programme or project.
II.-The committee’s reasoned opinion includes :
1° The identification, purpose and title of the training or research programme;
2° The name of the person responsible for the programme or project and the entity to which he/she belongs;
3° The dated identification of the documents provided in support of the application for authorisation and on which it has based its opinion;
4° Where applicable, identification of any changes made to the application during its examination;
5° The location where the training or research is taking place, where temporary removal from the body is justified for the purposes of carrying out the project;
6° The date of the meeting during which the opinion was given and the names of the persons who took part in the deliberations, and the college to which they belong.
III.When the course of the training or research project makes it necessary to keep the body beyond the period provided for in article R. 1261-5, the committee, on receipt of such a request from the person in charge of the structure receiving the bodies, may recommend that the period of storage be extended for a period of six months, renewable once.
IV. -The ethics, scientific and educational committee must be consulted when the restoration of the body or its return is impossible due to the use of the body for the activities of the host structure.
Exceptionally, the conservation of anatomical parts for medical teaching activities may be approved by the committee. Storage must be linked to the training project approved in accordance with the procedures set out in articles R. 1261-16 and R. 1261-17. The storage of human samples from bodies that have been donated for research purposes is organised under the conditions provided for by articles L. 1243-3 and L. 1243-4.
V.-In the situations provided for in III and IV, the person in charge of the body reception facility informs, where appropriate, the reference person designated by the donor of his/her decision.
The register provided for in article R. 1261-32 shall be completed accordingly. In addition, when a project involves the segmentation of the body, and it has received a favourable opinion from the ethics, scientific and educational committee as well as the agreement of the head of the receiving facility, the identification number provided for in article R. 1261-4 is mentioned on each of the anatomical parts.