I.-The employer established outside France shall keep a record of the documents mentioned in this article at the place of work of the employee seconded to the national territory or, if this is not physically possible, at any other place accessible to his representative appointed in application of article L. 1262-2-1 and shall present them without delay at the request of the labour inspectorate of the place where the service is provided.
II.-The documents required for the purposes of verifying the information relating to seconded employees are as follows :
1° Where it is in writing, the employment contract or any equivalent document attesting in particular to the place of recruitment of the employee ;
2° Where applicable, the work permit allowing the third-country national to work as an employee;
3° Where applicable, the document attesting to a medical examination in the country of origin equivalent to that provided for in article R. 1262-13 ;
4° Where the duration of the secondment is equal to or greater than one month, pay slips for each seconded employee or any equivalent document attesting to remuneration and containing the following information:
a) Gross remuneration (1) ;
b) Period and hours of work to which the salary relates, distinguishing between hours paid at the normal rate and those with a supplement;
c) Leave and public holidays, and elements of remuneration relating thereto;
d) Conditions of membership of holiday and bad weather funds, where applicable;
e) If applicable, the title of the collective agreement applicable to the employee;
5° Where the duration of the secondment is less than one month, any document providing proof of compliance with the minimum wage;
6° Any document attesting to the actual payment of remuneration (1) ;
7° A timesheet indicating the start, end and duration of each employee’s daily working hours.
III – If the company is established outside the European Union, the employer must make available to the Labour Inspectorate the document attesting to the regularity of its social situation with regard to an international social security agreement or, failing this, the certificate of provision of a social declaration issued by the French social protection body responsible for collecting the social security contributions for which it is liable and dated less than six months.