Employers who post one or more employees, under the conditions set out in 2° of article L. 1262-1, must submit a declaration containing the following information:
1° The name or business name as well as the postal and electronic addresses and telephone numbers of the company or establishment that usually employs the employee(s), the legal form of the company, its individual tax identification number for the purposes of liability to value added tax or, if it does not have such a number, the references of its registration in a professional register or any other equivalent references, the surname, first names, date and place of birth of the manager(s);
2° The address of the successive place or places where the service is to be provided, the date on which the service is to begin and its foreseeable end date, the nature of the services performed during the secondment and, where applicable, the individual tax identification number of the host company or establishment for the purposes of liability to value added tax;
3° The surname, first name, sex, date and place of birth, address of usual residence and nationality of the seconded employee, his/her professional qualification, the job held during the secondment as well as the hourly rate of pay applied for the duration of the secondment in France, converted into euros where applicable, the start date of the secondment and its foreseeable end date;
4° Where applicable, the address of the successive collective accommodation(s) of the employees;
5° The State to which the social security legislation applicable to each of the employees on secondment is attached in respect of the activity they carry out in France and, if this is a State other than France, a reference to the request for a form concerning the social security legislation applicable to the competent institution;
6° The designation of their representative for the duration of the service provision in France, the electronic and telephone contact details of this representative, the place where the documents mentioned in article R. 1263-1 are kept on national territory or the procedures for accessing and consulting them from national territory, as well as the SIRET number when the designated representative is neither the manager present during the service provision, nor one of the employees seconded, nor the client of the service provision.