The units of account defined in article L. 131-1-1 are:
1° Units or shares in general-purpose professional funds mentioned inarticle L. 214-144 of the Monetary and Financial Code ;
2° Units or shares in professional private equity funds mentioned inarticle L. 214-159 of the Monetary and Financial Code ;
3° Units or shares in specialised professional funds referred to inarticle L. 214-154 of the Monetary and Financial Code, provided that these funds comply, directly or indirectly with:
a) The quota stipulated in I of article L. 214-28 of the same code. The current account advances referred to in the last paragraph of article L. 214-154 of the same code are taken into account for the calculation of the said quota when they are granted to companies meeting the conditions for inclusion in this quota;
b) The limits set in the third paragraph of II of Article L. 214-160 relating to digital assets.