The charges levied by the insurance company after the date of knowledge of the death of the insured, mentioned in the third paragraph of article L. 132-5, may not exceed the charges that would have been levied had the death not occurred.
For life insurance contracts mentioned in the fourth paragraph of article L. 132-5:
1° The capital in euros guaranteed in the event of death automatically earns interest from the date of the insured’s death;
2° From the date of knowledge of the death, the capital in euros guaranteed in the event of death automatically earns interest, net of charges, for each calendar year, at least at a rate equal to the lower of the following two rates:
a) The average French government bond rate over the last twelve months, calculated on 1 November of the previous year;
b) The latest average French government bond rate available on 1 November of the previous year;
3° Between the date of death and the date of knowledge of the death, where the contractual clauses provide for a revaluation of the capital in euros guaranteed in the event of death, these apply, as long as they result in a revaluation of the capital net of costs; failing this, 2° of this article applies from the date of the death of the insured.
For commitments expressed in units of account or giving rise to the constitution of a diversification provision, the revaluation of the capital guaranteed in the event of death takes place as from the date on which the value in euros of the guaranteed capital was determined.