The Director is responsible for the operation of the Office under the conditions set out in articles R. 2221-22, R. 2221-24, R. 2221-28 and R. 2221-29 of the General Local Authorities Code.
Within the limits of the posts provided for in the budget, it recruits and dismisses the Office’s staff with the approval of the Chairman. Depending on the sectors of activity existing in the municipality or on the territory of the public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation, one or more structure or service managers may be appointed by the Tourist Office Director after consultation with the Management Committee.
Each year, the Director of the Tourist Office draws up a report on the Office’s activities, which is submitted to the Management Committee by the President, and then to the Municipal Council or the deliberative body of the public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation.
The Director may be called upon to participate in the general organisation of security, regulated by the competent police authority, in the geographical area in which the Tourist Office operates. He shall also carry out the specific orders given to him by the competent police authority to ensure security.