I.-Depending on the nature of the activity carried out, the radiation protection advisor :
1° Advise on :
a) the preliminary examination, from the point of view of radiation protection, of the plans of the installations, in particular with regard to the interests mentioned in Article L. 1333-7 ;
b) Periodic verification of the effectiveness of the internal control, procedures and technical devices referred to in Article R. 1333-15;
c) Receipt and inspection, from the point of view of radiation protection, of new or modified ionising radiation sources;
d) Receipt and periodic calibration of measuring instruments and periodic verification of their correct operation and use;
e) optimising radiation protection and establishing appropriate dose constraints;
f) Definition of the quality assurance system in place;
g) Definition of the radiological monitoring programme for effluents and the environment;
h) Definition of radioactive waste management procedures;
i) Definition of the provisions relating to the prevention of significant events mentioned in Article R. 1333-21, the investigations and analyses relating to these events and the definition of corrective actions;
j) Preparing for and responding to the radiological emergencies referred to in Article L. 1333-3 ;
k) Drawing up appropriate documentation, particularly in terms of prior risk assessment and written procedures;
2° Carry out or supervise the implementation of the radiation protection measures mentioned in 1°.
II – The radiation protection advisor records the advice mentioned in 1° of I in a form that allows consultation for a period of at least ten years.
III-Advice given by the radiation protection advisor under Article R. 4451-123 of the Labour Code may be regarded as advice given under 1° of I of this Article when it relates to the same subject.
IV – In order to ensure that the radiation protection of individuals and patients is optimised, the person in charge of a nuclear activity may ask the radiation protection advisor to liaise with the medical physicist in establishments where procedures as defined in Article R. 1333-45 are performed.