I.-Before an initial premium payment, an arbitration or a transfer to the undertakings referred to in Article L. 134-1, the following information is communicated to the subscriber in clearly visible characters:
1° The maturity date of the guarantee;
2° The amount, expressed in euros, of the capital or annuity guaranteed at maturity;
3° Where applicable, a statement indicating that there is no guarantee before maturity;
4° Where applicable, the period during which the commitments covered by this chapter may not be surrendered;
5° The procedures for unwinding the investment at maturity referred to in article R. 134-6.
II – The following information is also provided:
1° The minimum value of the diversification reserve expressed in euros;
2° Where applicable, the amount of the individualised premium corresponding to the additional guarantees provided for in article R. 134-7;
3° The time limit for settlement, arbitration or transfer, as well as the time limit for recording rights in the account after payment of a premium.