The decisions referred to in 5° of Article R. 1413-12 are enforceable under the conditions laid down in Title III of Decree No. 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management.
The decisions referred to in 1°, 2° and 10° of the same article are enforceable only after express approval by the ministers responsible for health and the budget.
The decisions referred to in 9° of the same article are forwarded to the ministers responsible for the budget, the civil service and health; they are enforceable one month after they are forwarded, unless one or more of the ministers concerned expressly objects.
Other resolutions shall be enforceable fifteen days after they have been forwarded to the Minister for Health, unless the latter expressly objects, and, in the case of budgetary or financial resolutions, fifteen days after they have been forwarded to the Minister for Health and the Minister for the Budget, unless one of these Ministers expressly objects.
When one of the ministers mentioned in the second or third paragraph of this article requests in writing additional information or documents relating to the deliberations mentioned in the second or third paragraph, the time limit is suspended until such information or documents are produced.
In an emergency, the Minister for Health may authorise the immediate implementation of the decisions mentioned in 6° or 13° of article R. 1413-12.