I. – The draft regulations referred to in article R. 142-7 are the subject of consultation with the other federations using the same types of sports facilities, as well as with the national associations of local councillors and the associations of owners and managers of this type of facility, over a period of at least three months and in accordance with the procedures laid down by order of the Minister for Sport. This consultation will focus in particular on assessing the financial consequences of the project and the deadlines for its application.
II. – The draft regulations are sent by the federation to the Minister responsible for sport, together with an impact report meeting the requirements of article R. 142-9. After ensuring that the notice complies with these requirements, the Minister proposes that it be included on the Commission’s agenda.
III. – For draft regulations whose sole purpose is to amend safety-related standards, the minimum consultation period is reduced to one month and the decrees issued by the Minister for Sport mentioned in I and article R. 142-9 provide for simplified consultation procedures and a shorter impact notice.
IV. – The delegating federation informs the Minister for Sport without delay of any proposed changes to the regulations relating to sports facilities issued by the international federation of which it is a member. The Minister will inform the Commission.