The industrial tribunal members meet in a general meeting, in a section meeting and, where applicable, in a chamber meeting, each year during the month of January in the following order:
1° The general meeting of the industrial tribunal elects, in accordance with articles L. 1423-3 to L. 1423-6, the chairman and vice-chairman of the industrial tribunal. The election of the chairman and vice-chairman precedes the formal hearing held at the industrial tribunal pursuant to article R. 111-2 of the code de l’organisation judiciaire ;
2° The assembly of each division elects the president and vice-president of the division;
3° When several chambers have been set up within the same section pursuant to article R. 1423-8, the chamber assembly elects the chairman and vice-chairman of the chamber.
The minutes of these meetings are sent within forty-eight hours to the First President of the Court of Appeal and to the Public Prosecutor at the Court of Appeal.