No candidatures may be submitted or modified after the date of submission of the lists provided for in article R. 1432-87. Similarly, no withdrawal of candidacy may be made after the submission of candidacies.
However, if one or more candidates on a list are found to be ineligible, subject to the provisions of the last paragraph of article R. 1432-92, within three days of the closing date for the submission of lists, the Director General of the Agency shall immediately inform the representative of the list concerned, who may then, within six days of the closing date for the submission of lists, make the necessary corrections. On this occasion, the representative provided for in article R. 1432-87 may change the order of presentation of the list.
If the event giving rise to the ineligibility occurred after the deadline for the submission of candidacies, the ineligible candidate may be replaced up to the fifteenth day prior to the date of the ballot.