When, for the same election, several trade union organisations affiliated to the same union of trade unions have filed competing candidacies in the first college, the Director General of the Agency will inform the representatives of each of the lists concerned within three days of the deadline for filing candidacies. The latter then have three days to make the necessary changes or withdraw their candidacies.
If, at the end of this period, the changes or withdrawals of candidacies have not been made, the General Manager shall inform, within three days, the union of trade unions whose candidacies are being put forward. The union then has a period of five days in which to indicate to the General Manager, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, the candidate who will be able to claim membership of the union.
In the absence of this indication, the trade union organisations that have submitted the lists in question cannot benefit from the provisions of 2° of article L. 211-1 of the General Civil Service Code and cannot claim membership of a union on the ballot papers.
When the admissibility of one of the lists is not recognised by the administration, the procedure described above is implemented within three clear days of notification of the administrative court’s judgement when the latter is seised of a challenge to the administration’s decision.