Once the diagnosis referred to in article R. 1434-4 has been completed, the regional health agency will draw up a regional health plan in line with the strategic policy framework and the provisions of the social security funding laws.
The plan takes account of :
1° The requirements of accessibility, quality, safety, permanence and continuity of care;
2° The need for efficiency in the service provided and optimisation of public resources;
3° The specific characteristics of priority urban policy districts, rural regeneration areas and the areas mentioned in 1° of article L. 1434-4 ;
4° The guidelines of national health plans or programmes;
5° The objectives of the coordinated programme drawn up by the conférences départementales des financeurs de la prévention de la perte d’autonomie provided for in article L. 233-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles ;
6° Where applicable, the specific defence needs mentioned in article L. 1431-2.