The Minister responsible for the economy shall refuse, by reasoned decision, the investment authorisation requested, if the implementation of the conditions provided for in article R. 151-8 is not sufficient on its own to ensure the preservation of the national interests defined by article L. 151-3. The Minister may take into consideration the fact that the investor has links with a foreign government or public body.
He may also refuse, by reasoned decision, to authorise an investment:
1° If there is a serious presumption that the investor is likely to commit one of the offences or the concealment of one of the offences referred to in Articles 222-34 to 222-39,223-15-2,225-4-1,225-5,225-6,225-10,313-1,314-1,321-6,324-1,421-1 to 421-2-6,433-1,433-2,435-3,435-4,441-1 to 441-8,450-1 of the Criminal Code, Title I of Book IV of the Criminal Code or Articles 1741 to 1743, 1746 or 1747 of the General Tax Code;
2° If the investor has been convicted and sentenced for one of the offences mentioned in 1° or for equivalent offences under the legislation of another State, during the five years preceding the submission of the application for authorisation;
3° If the investor has been the subject of a sanction issued on the basis of article L. 151-3-2, or if it has seriously and persistently disregarded injunctions or precautionary measures issued on the basis of I and II of article L. 151-3-1, during the five years preceding the submission of the authorisation application.