I.-The conditions set may be revised, at the investor’s request:
1° In the event of changes, unforeseeable on the date of completion of the authorised operation, in the economic and regulatory conditions under which the activities listed in article R. 151-3 by the entity that is the subject of the investment;
2° In the event of a change in the shareholding of the entity that is the subject of the investment or a change in the members of the chain of control;
3° In application of one of the conditions set at the time of authorisation.
When the request for a review of the conditions is submitted by the investor, it must be accompanied by the documents or information required to justify the circumstances mentioned in 1°, 2° or 3°, as well as those required to examine the request. The Minister will make a decision within forty-five working days of receipt of the application. In the absence of a response within this period, the application for review is deemed to have been rejected.
II – The conditions set may be revised at the initiative of the Minister for the Economy in the cases mentioned in 2° and 3° of I.
New conditions may only be set in the event that the investor acquires control, within the meaning ofArticle L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code, of the entity that is the subject of the investment and in compliance with the principle of proportionality.
The Minister for the Economy informs the investor of his intention, specifying the reasons which appear to justify such a revision, and gives the investor the opportunity to present his observations within a period of forty-five working days. At the end of this period, the Minister notifies the investor of the amended conditions and the date on which they come into force.