For the application in Mayotte of article R. 1221-2:
1° The words: “in article R. 243-2 of the Social Security Code” are replaced by the words: “in article 1 of decree no. 98-1162 of 16 December 1998 laying down the rules applicable to the recovery of resources of the social security schemes in force in the territorial collectivity of Mayotte and for the investment of the liquid assets of the Mayotte social security fund”;
2° In 2°, the words: “or, in the case of an agricultural employee, to the agricultural social security fund provided for in article R. 722-34 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code” do not apply;
3° In 5°, the words “or, in the case of an agricultural employee, to Articles R. 717-13 and R. 717-16 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code” do not apply.